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Error executing template "Designs/identity_v2/ecom/productlist/partials/item.cshtml"
System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added.
   at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
   at Co3.ID.Dw.Models.Frontend.Ecommerce.IdentityProduct.GetVariantCombinationsPrimaryImages(Boolean includeProduct)
   at CompiledRazorTemplates.Dynamic.RazorEngine_a147194f361344d998d7ce5ab80066fc.Execute() in D:\\Solutions\\Files\Templates\Designs\identity_v2\ecom\productlist\partials\item.cshtml:line 74
   at RazorEngine.Templating.TemplateBase.RazorEngine.Templating.ITemplate.Run(ExecuteContext context, TextWriter reader)
   at RazorEngine.Templating.RazorEngineService.RunCompile(ITemplateKey key, TextWriter writer, Type modelType, Object model, DynamicViewBag viewBag)
   at RazorEngine.Templating.RazorEngineServiceExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass16_0.<RunCompile>b__0(TextWriter writer)
   at RazorEngine.Templating.RazorEngineServiceExtensions.WithWriter(Action`1 withWriter)
   at Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateRenderingProvider.Render(Template template)
   at Dynamicweb.Rendering.TemplateRenderingService.Render(Template template)
   at Dynamicweb.Rendering.Template.RenderRazorTemplate()

1 @inherits ViewModelTemplate< Co3.ID.Dw.Models.Frontend.Ecommerce.IdentityProduct > 2 @using Co3.Espresso.Base.Extensions 3 @using Co3.Espresso.Website.Models.FrontEnd.Ecommerce 4 @using Co3.Espresso.Website.Models.FrontEnd.Elements 5 @using Co3.Espresso.Website.Models.FrontEnd.Handlebars 6 @using Co3.Espresso.Website.Models.FrontEnd.Settings 7 @using Co3.Espresso.Website.Services 8 @using Co3.ID.Dw.Helpers 9 @using Co3.ID.Dw.Models.Frontend.Ecommerce 10 @using Co3.ID.Dw.Models.Frontend.Users 11 @using Dynamicweb.Rendering 12 @using Co3.ID.Dw.Services 13 @using Dynamicweb.Frontend 14 @using Dynamicweb.Security.UserManagement 15 @using RenderingService = Co3.Espresso.Website.Services.RenderingService 16 17 @{ 18 string productName = Model.Name; 19 string productNumber = Model.Number; 20 21 User currentUser = PageView.Current().User; 22 ShopType shopContext = SiteContext.CurrentSiteContext(); 23 bool isCustomerShop = (PageView.Current().Area.Item["IsCustomerShop"] != null && (bool)PageView.Current().Area.Item["IsCustomerShop"] == true); 24 string discountGroup = currentUser != null ? currentUser.GetCustomFieldValue< string >( "DiscountGroup" ) : string.Empty; 25 bool showPrices = !isCustomerShop || UserContext.Current.CustomerShop != null && UserContext.Current.CustomerShop.Settings.ShowPrices == true; 26 27 string hoverImage = string.Empty; 28 29 if (!isCustomerShop && Model.ListItemHoverImage != null) 30 { 31 hoverImage = Model.ListItemHoverImage.Medium; 32 } 33 34 bool showBrands = Model.BrandCode == "SS" || Model.BrandCode == "GEYSER" || Model.BrandCode == "PRO WEAR"; 35 } 36 37 <div class="e-block-link e-productlist-item js-e-block-link js-e-productlist-item js-e-productlist-item- p-1" data-product-id="@Model.Id" data-variant-id="@Model.VariantId" data-brand-code="@Model.BrandCode"> 38 @if (showBrands) 39 { 40 <div class="productlist-brand-wrapper"> 41 @if ( Model.BrandCode == "SS" ) 42 { 43 @ImageService.Instance.GetSvgMarkup( "/Files/Images/products/Labels/SevenSeasByID.svg" ) 44 } 45 @if ( Model.BrandCode == "GEYSER" ) 46 { 47 @ImageService.Instance.GetSvgMarkup( "/Files/Images/products/Labels/GEYSER.svg" ) 48 } 49 @if ( Model.BrandCode == "PRO WEAR" ) 50 { 51 @ImageService.Instance.GetSvgMarkup( "/Files/Images/products/Labels/ProWearByID.svg" ) 52 } 53 </div> 54 } 55 56 57 <div class="productlist-label-container"> 58 @if ( Model.ProductLabels != null ) 59 { 60 foreach ( IdentityProductLabel label in Model.ProductLabels ) 61 { 62 <span class="productlist-label label-@label.ClassName ">@label.Text</span> 63 } 64 } 65 66 </div> 67 68 <div class="e-productlist-item-container"> 69 <div class="e-productlist-item-image-container"> 70 <a class="e-productlist-item-image-wrapper" href="@Model.Link"> 71 <img alt="@Model.Name" class="e-productlist-item-image js-e-productlist-item-image" src="@Model.ImagePrimary.Medium" data-base-image="@Model.ImagePrimary.Medium" data-hover-image="@hoverImage"> 72 </a> 73 74 @if (Model.VariantPrimaryImages != null && Model.VariantPrimaryImages.Any() ) 75 { 76 <div class="identity-variant-listitem-select-option-container d-none d-md-block"> 77 <div class="d-flex identity-variant-listitem-select-option-wrapper"> 78 79 @{ 80 int variantCount = Model.VariantPrimaryImages.Count; 81 int variantCountTake = variantCount <= 5 ? 5 : 4; 82 } 83 @foreach ( IdentityProductVariants variantImage in Model.VariantPrimaryImages.Take( variantCountTake ) ) 84 { 85 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(variantImage.Link) && variantImage.Image != null) 86 { 87 <span class="select-option-color-wrapper js-select-option-color-wrapper"> 88 <a href="@variantImage.Link"><span class="identity-variant-listitem-select-option-color js-identity-variant-listitem-select-option-color" style="background-image: url(@variantImage.Image.Small);" data-hover-image="@variantImage.Image.Medium"></span></a> 89 </span> 90 } 91 92 } 93 @if ( Model.VariantPrimaryImages.Count > 5 ) 94 { 95 string moreVariantText = string.Format( "+{0}", Model.VariantPrimaryImages.Count - 4 ); 96 <span class="select-option-color-wrapper bg-light variant-option-extra-count"> 97 <span class="identity-variant-listitem-select-option-color">@moreVariantText</span> 98 </span> 99 } 100 </div> 101 </div> 102 103 } 104 105 </div> 106 <div class="e-productlist-item-text-container small"> @* CSS ADD text-truncate *@ 107 <p class="e-productlist-item-name mb-0 list-style-d-none"> 108 <a href="@Model.Link" class="text-ellipsis"> 109 @Translate("eCom Product - Product Number - List - Text", "No.") @Model.Number 110 @productName 111 </a> 112 </p> 113 <p class="e-productlist-item-name mb-1 grid-style-d-none d-none"> 114 <a href="@Model.Link"> 115 <span class="d-block font-weight-bold">@Translate("eCom Product - Product Number - List - Text", "No.") @Model.Number</span> 116 @productName 117 </a> 118 </p> 119 120 <div class="e-productlist-item-text mb-0"> 121 @if (shopContext == ShopType.B2B && string.IsNullOrEmpty(discountGroup) == false && Model.ListPrices != null && Model.ListPrices.Any()) 122 { 123 <p class="e-product-price mb-0 mt-0"> 124 125 @if (SiteContext.ShowPrices()) 126 { 127 <span class="d-block font-weight-bold"> 128 @Translate("Product Netto Price - Text", "Nettopris") 129 <span class="js-e-product-price"> 130 @Model.Price.Formatted 131 </span> 132 </span> 133 } 134 135 136 <span class="d-block text-muted id-product-details-list-price"> 137 @Translate("Product List Price - Text", "Listepris") 138 <span class="js-e-product-listprice"> 139 @Co3.Espresso.Website.Services.PriceService.Instance.GetPrice(new PriceSettings() 140 { 141 Value = Model.ListPrices.FirstOrDefault()?.Amount 142 }) 143 </span> 144 </span> 145 </p> 146 } 147 @if (shopContext == ShopType.B2C || shopContext == ShopType.CustomerShop) 148 { 149 <p class="e-product-price mb-1 mt-0 @(SiteContext.ShowPrices() == false ? "hidden-price" : string.Empty)"> 150 <span class="e-productlist-item-price"> 151 <a href="@Model.Link"> 152 @Model.Price.Formatted 153 </a> 154 </span> 155 <small>(@(Model.PriceWithoutVat.Value > 0 && Model.PriceWithoutVat.Value.Equals(Model.Price.Value) == false ? Model.PriceWithoutVat.Formatted : string.Empty) @Translate("Ecom - Price without VAT - text", "ekskl. moms") )</small> 156 </p> 157 } 158 159 </div> 160 @if ( Model.VariantPrimaryImages != null && Model.VariantPrimaryImages.Any() ) { 161 162 int variantCount = Model.VariantPrimaryImages.Count; 163 164 if ( Model.VariantPrimaryImages.Count > 1 ) { 165 <div class="d-block d-md-none"> 166 <p class="p-0 m-0 font-weight-semibold"><small>+ @variantCount @Translate("Product List Colors - Text", "farver")</small></p> 167 </div> 168 } 169 } 170 </div> 171 @if (shopContext == ShopType.B2B || shopContext == ShopType.CustomerShop) 172 { 173 <form class="e-productlist-item-form-container d-flex justify-content-end"> 174 <a class="btn btn-primary text-white mt-0 position-relative js-identity-productlist-get-variant-matrix-modal identity-productlist-get-variant-matrix-modal-btn"> 175 <span class="identity-productlist-get-variant-matrix-modal-text"> 176 @ImageService.Instance.GetSvgMarkup("/Files/Images/icons/outline/41-shopping/shopping-cart-add-2.svg") 177 </span> 178 </a> 179 </form> 180 181 <div class="e-loading-overlay e-productlist-loading-overlay js-e-matrix-loading-overlay"> 182 @RenderingService.Instance.PartialView( "_partials/loading-spinner.cshtml" ) 183 </div> 184 } 185 </div> 186 <code class="js-identity-product-data" hidden> 187 @{ 188 dynamic productImperssionClick = new 189 { 190 item_name = Model.Name, 191 item_id = Model.Id, 192 price = Model.Price.Value.ToJavaScript(), 193 item_brand = Model.BrandName, 194 item_category = Model.Category, 195 item_variant = Model.ColorVariantText 196 }; 197 @Co3.Espresso.Website.Services.JsonService.Instance.ToJson(productImperssionClick) 198 } 199 </code> 200 </div> 201
Error executing template "Designs/identity_v2/ecom/productlist/partials/item.cshtml"
System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added.
   at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
   at Co3.ID.Dw.Models.Frontend.Ecommerce.IdentityProduct.GetVariantCombinationsPrimaryImages(Boolean includeProduct)
   at CompiledRazorTemplates.Dynamic.RazorEngine_a147194f361344d998d7ce5ab80066fc.Execute() in D:\\Solutions\\Files\Templates\Designs\identity_v2\ecom\productlist\partials\item.cshtml:line 74
   at RazorEngine.Templating.TemplateBase.RazorEngine.Templating.ITemplate.Run(ExecuteContext context, TextWriter reader)
   at RazorEngine.Templating.RazorEngineService.RunCompile(ITemplateKey key, TextWriter writer, Type modelType, Object model, DynamicViewBag viewBag)
   at RazorEngine.Templating.RazorEngineServiceExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass16_0.<RunCompile>b__0(TextWriter writer)
   at RazorEngine.Templating.RazorEngineServiceExtensions.WithWriter(Action`1 withWriter)
   at Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateRenderingProvider.Render(Template template)
   at Dynamicweb.Rendering.TemplateRenderingService.Render(Template template)
   at Dynamicweb.Rendering.Template.RenderRazorTemplate()

1 @inherits ViewModelTemplate< Co3.ID.Dw.Models.Frontend.Ecommerce.IdentityProduct > 2 @using Co3.Espresso.Base.Extensions 3 @using Co3.Espresso.Website.Models.FrontEnd.Ecommerce 4 @using Co3.Espresso.Website.Models.FrontEnd.Elements 5 @using Co3.Espresso.Website.Models.FrontEnd.Handlebars 6 @using Co3.Espresso.Website.Models.FrontEnd.Settings 7 @using Co3.Espresso.Website.Services 8 @using Co3.ID.Dw.Helpers 9 @using Co3.ID.Dw.Models.Frontend.Ecommerce 10 @using Co3.ID.Dw.Models.Frontend.Users 11 @using Dynamicweb.Rendering 12 @using Co3.ID.Dw.Services 13 @using Dynamicweb.Frontend 14 @using Dynamicweb.Security.UserManagement 15 @using RenderingService = Co3.Espresso.Website.Services.RenderingService 16 17 @{ 18 string productName = Model.Name; 19 string productNumber = Model.Number; 20 21 User currentUser = PageView.Current().User; 22 ShopType shopContext = SiteContext.CurrentSiteContext(); 23 bool isCustomerShop = (PageView.Current().Area.Item["IsCustomerShop"] != null && (bool)PageView.Current().Area.Item["IsCustomerShop"] == true); 24 string discountGroup = currentUser != null ? currentUser.GetCustomFieldValue< string >( "DiscountGroup" ) : string.Empty; 25 bool showPrices = !isCustomerShop || UserContext.Current.CustomerShop != null && UserContext.Current.CustomerShop.Settings.ShowPrices == true; 26 27 string hoverImage = string.Empty; 28 29 if (!isCustomerShop && Model.ListItemHoverImage != null) 30 { 31 hoverImage = Model.ListItemHoverImage.Medium; 32 } 33 34 bool showBrands = Model.BrandCode == "SS" || Model.BrandCode == "GEYSER" || Model.BrandCode == "PRO WEAR"; 35 } 36 37 <div class="e-block-link e-productlist-item js-e-block-link js-e-productlist-item js-e-productlist-item- p-1" data-product-id="@Model.Id" data-variant-id="@Model.VariantId" data-brand-code="@Model.BrandCode"> 38 @if (showBrands) 39 { 40 <div class="productlist-brand-wrapper"> 41 @if ( Model.BrandCode == "SS" ) 42 { 43 @ImageService.Instance.GetSvgMarkup( "/Files/Images/products/Labels/SevenSeasByID.svg" ) 44 } 45 @if ( Model.BrandCode == "GEYSER" ) 46 { 47 @ImageService.Instance.GetSvgMarkup( "/Files/Images/products/Labels/GEYSER.svg" ) 48 } 49 @if ( Model.BrandCode == "PRO WEAR" ) 50 { 51 @ImageService.Instance.GetSvgMarkup( "/Files/Images/products/Labels/ProWearByID.svg" ) 52 } 53 </div> 54 } 55 56 57 <div class="productlist-label-container"> 58 @if ( Model.ProductLabels != null ) 59 { 60 foreach ( IdentityProductLabel label in Model.ProductLabels ) 61 { 62 <span class="productlist-label label-@label.ClassName ">@label.Text</span> 63 } 64 } 65 66 </div> 67 68 <div class="e-productlist-item-container"> 69 <div class="e-productlist-item-image-container"> 70 <a class="e-productlist-item-image-wrapper" href="@Model.Link"> 71 <img alt="@Model.Name" class="e-productlist-item-image js-e-productlist-item-image" src="@Model.ImagePrimary.Medium" data-base-image="@Model.ImagePrimary.Medium" data-hover-image="@hoverImage"> 72 </a> 73 74 @if (Model.VariantPrimaryImages != null && Model.VariantPrimaryImages.Any() ) 75 { 76 <div class="identity-variant-listitem-select-option-container d-none d-md-block"> 77 <div class="d-flex identity-variant-listitem-select-option-wrapper"> 78 79 @{ 80 int variantCount = Model.VariantPrimaryImages.Count; 81 int variantCountTake = variantCount <= 5 ? 5 : 4; 82 } 83 @foreach ( IdentityProductVariants variantImage in Model.VariantPrimaryImages.Take( variantCountTake ) ) 84 { 85 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(variantImage.Link) && variantImage.Image != null) 86 { 87 <span class="select-option-color-wrapper js-select-option-color-wrapper"> 88 <a href="@variantImage.Link"><span class="identity-variant-listitem-select-option-color js-identity-variant-listitem-select-option-color" style="background-image: url(@variantImage.Image.Small);" data-hover-image="@variantImage.Image.Medium"></span></a> 89 </span> 90 } 91 92 } 93 @if ( Model.VariantPrimaryImages.Count > 5 ) 94 { 95 string moreVariantText = string.Format( "+{0}", Model.VariantPrimaryImages.Count - 4 ); 96 <span class="select-option-color-wrapper bg-light variant-option-extra-count"> 97 <span class="identity-variant-listitem-select-option-color">@moreVariantText</span> 98 </span> 99 } 100 </div> 101 </div> 102 103 } 104 105 </div> 106 <div class="e-productlist-item-text-container small"> @* CSS ADD text-truncate *@ 107 <p class="e-productlist-item-name mb-0 list-style-d-none"> 108 <a href="@Model.Link" class="text-ellipsis"> 109 @Translate("eCom Product - Product Number - List - Text", "No.") @Model.Number 110 @productName 111 </a> 112 </p> 113 <p class="e-productlist-item-name mb-1 grid-style-d-none d-none"> 114 <a href="@Model.Link"> 115 <span class="d-block font-weight-bold">@Translate("eCom Product - Product Number - List - Text", "No.") @Model.Number</span> 116 @productName 117 </a> 118 </p> 119 120 <div class="e-productlist-item-text mb-0"> 121 @if (shopContext == ShopType.B2B && string.IsNullOrEmpty(discountGroup) == false && Model.ListPrices != null && Model.ListPrices.Any()) 122 { 123 <p class="e-product-price mb-0 mt-0"> 124 125 @if (SiteContext.ShowPrices()) 126 { 127 <span class="d-block font-weight-bold"> 128 @Translate("Product Netto Price - Text", "Nettopris") 129 <span class="js-e-product-price"> 130 @Model.Price.Formatted 131 </span> 132 </span> 133 } 134 135 136 <span class="d-block text-muted id-product-details-list-price"> 137 @Translate("Product List Price - Text", "Listepris") 138 <span class="js-e-product-listprice"> 139 @Co3.Espresso.Website.Services.PriceService.Instance.GetPrice(new PriceSettings() 140 { 141 Value = Model.ListPrices.FirstOrDefault()?.Amount 142 }) 143 </span> 144 </span> 145 </p> 146 } 147 @if (shopContext == ShopType.B2C || shopContext == ShopType.CustomerShop) 148 { 149 <p class="e-product-price mb-1 mt-0 @(SiteContext.ShowPrices() == false ? "hidden-price" : string.Empty)"> 150 <span class="e-productlist-item-price"> 151 <a href="@Model.Link"> 152 @Model.Price.Formatted 153 </a> 154 </span> 155 <small>(@(Model.PriceWithoutVat.Value > 0 && Model.PriceWithoutVat.Value.Equals(Model.Price.Value) == false ? Model.PriceWithoutVat.Formatted : string.Empty) @Translate("Ecom - Price without VAT - text", "ekskl. moms") )</small> 156 </p> 157 } 158 159 </div> 160 @if ( Model.VariantPrimaryImages != null && Model.VariantPrimaryImages.Any() ) { 161 162 int variantCount = Model.VariantPrimaryImages.Count; 163 164 if ( Model.VariantPrimaryImages.Count > 1 ) { 165 <div class="d-block d-md-none"> 166 <p class="p-0 m-0 font-weight-semibold"><small>+ @variantCount @Translate("Product List Colors - Text", "farver")</small></p> 167 </div> 168 } 169 } 170 </div> 171 @if (shopContext == ShopType.B2B || shopContext == ShopType.CustomerShop) 172 { 173 <form class="e-productlist-item-form-container d-flex justify-content-end"> 174 <a class="btn btn-primary text-white mt-0 position-relative js-identity-productlist-get-variant-matrix-modal identity-productlist-get-variant-matrix-modal-btn"> 175 <span class="identity-productlist-get-variant-matrix-modal-text"> 176 @ImageService.Instance.GetSvgMarkup("/Files/Images/icons/outline/41-shopping/shopping-cart-add-2.svg") 177 </span> 178 </a> 179 </form> 180 181 <div class="e-loading-overlay e-productlist-loading-overlay js-e-matrix-loading-overlay"> 182 @RenderingService.Instance.PartialView( "_partials/loading-spinner.cshtml" ) 183 </div> 184 } 185 </div> 186 <code class="js-identity-product-data" hidden> 187 @{ 188 dynamic productImperssionClick = new 189 { 190 item_name = Model.Name, 191 item_id = Model.Id, 192 price = Model.Price.Value.ToJavaScript(), 193 item_brand = Model.BrandName, 194 item_category = Model.Category, 195 item_variant = Model.ColorVariantText 196 }; 197 @Co3.Espresso.Website.Services.JsonService.Instance.ToJson(productImperssionClick) 198 } 199 </code> 200 </div> 201
Error executing template "Designs/identity_v2/ecom/productlist/partials/item.cshtml"
System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added.
   at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
   at Co3.ID.Dw.Models.Frontend.Ecommerce.IdentityProduct.GetVariantCombinationsPrimaryImages(Boolean includeProduct)
   at CompiledRazorTemplates.Dynamic.RazorEngine_a147194f361344d998d7ce5ab80066fc.Execute() in D:\\Solutions\\Files\Templates\Designs\identity_v2\ecom\productlist\partials\item.cshtml:line 74
   at RazorEngine.Templating.TemplateBase.RazorEngine.Templating.ITemplate.Run(ExecuteContext context, TextWriter reader)
   at RazorEngine.Templating.RazorEngineService.RunCompile(ITemplateKey key, TextWriter writer, Type modelType, Object model, DynamicViewBag viewBag)
   at RazorEngine.Templating.RazorEngineServiceExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass16_0.<RunCompile>b__0(TextWriter writer)
   at RazorEngine.Templating.RazorEngineServiceExtensions.WithWriter(Action`1 withWriter)
   at Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateRenderingProvider.Render(Template template)
   at Dynamicweb.Rendering.TemplateRenderingService.Render(Template template)
   at Dynamicweb.Rendering.Template.RenderRazorTemplate()

1 @inherits ViewModelTemplate< Co3.ID.Dw.Models.Frontend.Ecommerce.IdentityProduct > 2 @using Co3.Espresso.Base.Extensions 3 @using Co3.Espresso.Website.Models.FrontEnd.Ecommerce 4 @using Co3.Espresso.Website.Models.FrontEnd.Elements 5 @using Co3.Espresso.Website.Models.FrontEnd.Handlebars 6 @using Co3.Espresso.Website.Models.FrontEnd.Settings 7 @using Co3.Espresso.Website.Services 8 @using Co3.ID.Dw.Helpers 9 @using Co3.ID.Dw.Models.Frontend.Ecommerce 10 @using Co3.ID.Dw.Models.Frontend.Users 11 @using Dynamicweb.Rendering 12 @using Co3.ID.Dw.Services 13 @using Dynamicweb.Frontend 14 @using Dynamicweb.Security.UserManagement 15 @using RenderingService = Co3.Espresso.Website.Services.RenderingService 16 17 @{ 18 string productName = Model.Name; 19 string productNumber = Model.Number; 20 21 User currentUser = PageView.Current().User; 22 ShopType shopContext = SiteContext.CurrentSiteContext(); 23 bool isCustomerShop = (PageView.Current().Area.Item["IsCustomerShop"] != null && (bool)PageView.Current().Area.Item["IsCustomerShop"] == true); 24 string discountGroup = currentUser != null ? currentUser.GetCustomFieldValue< string >( "DiscountGroup" ) : string.Empty; 25 bool showPrices = !isCustomerShop || UserContext.Current.CustomerShop != null && UserContext.Current.CustomerShop.Settings.ShowPrices == true; 26 27 string hoverImage = string.Empty; 28 29 if (!isCustomerShop && Model.ListItemHoverImage != null) 30 { 31 hoverImage = Model.ListItemHoverImage.Medium; 32 } 33 34 bool showBrands = Model.BrandCode == "SS" || Model.BrandCode == "GEYSER" || Model.BrandCode == "PRO WEAR"; 35 } 36 37 <div class="e-block-link e-productlist-item js-e-block-link js-e-productlist-item js-e-productlist-item- p-1" data-product-id="@Model.Id" data-variant-id="@Model.VariantId" data-brand-code="@Model.BrandCode"> 38 @if (showBrands) 39 { 40 <div class="productlist-brand-wrapper"> 41 @if ( Model.BrandCode == "SS" ) 42 { 43 @ImageService.Instance.GetSvgMarkup( "/Files/Images/products/Labels/SevenSeasByID.svg" ) 44 } 45 @if ( Model.BrandCode == "GEYSER" ) 46 { 47 @ImageService.Instance.GetSvgMarkup( "/Files/Images/products/Labels/GEYSER.svg" ) 48 } 49 @if ( Model.BrandCode == "PRO WEAR" ) 50 { 51 @ImageService.Instance.GetSvgMarkup( "/Files/Images/products/Labels/ProWearByID.svg" ) 52 } 53 </div> 54 } 55 56 57 <div class="productlist-label-container"> 58 @if ( Model.ProductLabels != null ) 59 { 60 foreach ( IdentityProductLabel label in Model.ProductLabels ) 61 { 62 <span class="productlist-label label-@label.ClassName ">@label.Text</span> 63 } 64 } 65 66 </div> 67 68 <div class="e-productlist-item-container"> 69 <div class="e-productlist-item-image-container"> 70 <a class="e-productlist-item-image-wrapper" href="@Model.Link"> 71 <img alt="@Model.Name" class="e-productlist-item-image js-e-productlist-item-image" src="@Model.ImagePrimary.Medium" data-base-image="@Model.ImagePrimary.Medium" data-hover-image="@hoverImage"> 72 </a> 73 74 @if (Model.VariantPrimaryImages != null && Model.VariantPrimaryImages.Any() ) 75 { 76 <div class="identity-variant-listitem-select-option-container d-none d-md-block"> 77 <div class="d-flex identity-variant-listitem-select-option-wrapper"> 78 79 @{ 80 int variantCount = Model.VariantPrimaryImages.Count; 81 int variantCountTake = variantCount <= 5 ? 5 : 4; 82 } 83 @foreach ( IdentityProductVariants variantImage in Model.VariantPrimaryImages.Take( variantCountTake ) ) 84 { 85 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(variantImage.Link) && variantImage.Image != null) 86 { 87 <span class="select-option-color-wrapper js-select-option-color-wrapper"> 88 <a href="@variantImage.Link"><span class="identity-variant-listitem-select-option-color js-identity-variant-listitem-select-option-color" style="background-image: url(@variantImage.Image.Small);" data-hover-image="@variantImage.Image.Medium"></span></a> 89 </span> 90 } 91 92 } 93 @if ( Model.VariantPrimaryImages.Count > 5 ) 94 { 95 string moreVariantText = string.Format( "+{0}", Model.VariantPrimaryImages.Count - 4 ); 96 <span class="select-option-color-wrapper bg-light variant-option-extra-count"> 97 <span class="identity-variant-listitem-select-option-color">@moreVariantText</span> 98 </span> 99 } 100 </div> 101 </div> 102 103 } 104 105 </div> 106 <div class="e-productlist-item-text-container small"> @* CSS ADD text-truncate *@ 107 <p class="e-productlist-item-name mb-0 list-style-d-none"> 108 <a href="@Model.Link" class="text-ellipsis"> 109 @Translate("eCom Product - Product Number - List - Text", "No.") @Model.Number 110 @productName 111 </a> 112 </p> 113 <p class="e-productlist-item-name mb-1 grid-style-d-none d-none"> 114 <a href="@Model.Link"> 115 <span class="d-block font-weight-bold">@Translate("eCom Product - Product Number - List - Text", "No.") @Model.Number</span> 116 @productName 117 </a> 118 </p> 119 120 <div class="e-productlist-item-text mb-0"> 121 @if (shopContext == ShopType.B2B && string.IsNullOrEmpty(discountGroup) == false && Model.ListPrices != null && Model.ListPrices.Any()) 122 { 123 <p class="e-product-price mb-0 mt-0"> 124 125 @if (SiteContext.ShowPrices()) 126 { 127 <span class="d-block font-weight-bold"> 128 @Translate("Product Netto Price - Text", "Nettopris") 129 <span class="js-e-product-price"> 130 @Model.Price.Formatted 131 </span> 132 </span> 133 } 134 135 136 <span class="d-block text-muted id-product-details-list-price"> 137 @Translate("Product List Price - Text", "Listepris") 138 <span class="js-e-product-listprice"> 139 @Co3.Espresso.Website.Services.PriceService.Instance.GetPrice(new PriceSettings() 140 { 141 Value = Model.ListPrices.FirstOrDefault()?.Amount 142 }) 143 </span> 144 </span> 145 </p> 146 } 147 @if (shopContext == ShopType.B2C || shopContext == ShopType.CustomerShop) 148 { 149 <p class="e-product-price mb-1 mt-0 @(SiteContext.ShowPrices() == false ? "hidden-price" : string.Empty)"> 150 <span class="e-productlist-item-price"> 151 <a href="@Model.Link"> 152 @Model.Price.Formatted 153 </a> 154 </span> 155 <small>(@(Model.PriceWithoutVat.Value > 0 && Model.PriceWithoutVat.Value.Equals(Model.Price.Value) == false ? Model.PriceWithoutVat.Formatted : string.Empty) @Translate("Ecom - Price without VAT - text", "ekskl. moms") )</small> 156 </p> 157 } 158 159 </div> 160 @if ( Model.VariantPrimaryImages != null && Model.VariantPrimaryImages.Any() ) { 161 162 int variantCount = Model.VariantPrimaryImages.Count; 163 164 if ( Model.VariantPrimaryImages.Count > 1 ) { 165 <div class="d-block d-md-none"> 166 <p class="p-0 m-0 font-weight-semibold"><small>+ @variantCount @Translate("Product List Colors - Text", "farver")</small></p> 167 </div> 168 } 169 } 170 </div> 171 @if (shopContext == ShopType.B2B || shopContext == ShopType.CustomerShop) 172 { 173 <form class="e-productlist-item-form-container d-flex justify-content-end"> 174 <a class="btn btn-primary text-white mt-0 position-relative js-identity-productlist-get-variant-matrix-modal identity-productlist-get-variant-matrix-modal-btn"> 175 <span class="identity-productlist-get-variant-matrix-modal-text"> 176 @ImageService.Instance.GetSvgMarkup("/Files/Images/icons/outline/41-shopping/shopping-cart-add-2.svg") 177 </span> 178 </a> 179 </form> 180 181 <div class="e-loading-overlay e-productlist-loading-overlay js-e-matrix-loading-overlay"> 182 @RenderingService.Instance.PartialView( "_partials/loading-spinner.cshtml" ) 183 </div> 184 } 185 </div> 186 <code class="js-identity-product-data" hidden> 187 @{ 188 dynamic productImperssionClick = new 189 { 190 item_name = Model.Name, 191 item_id = Model.Id, 192 price = Model.Price.Value.ToJavaScript(), 193 item_brand = Model.BrandName, 194 item_category = Model.Category, 195 item_variant = Model.ColorVariantText 196 }; 197 @Co3.Espresso.Website.Services.JsonService.Instance.ToJson(productImperssionClick) 198 } 199 </code> 200 </div> 201

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ID® Ansvarlighedsrapport 2023/2024 BCI cotton Redegørelse for samfundsansvar, jf. årsregnskabslovens § 99 a". Se her
