Corporate social responsibility

CSR is about taking responsibility for a company’s
impact on people and the environment.


We strive to

have a clear and constant focus on CSR and quality. This ensures that we are always up to speed with customer requirements and expectations – and that we never deviate from our own basic decency principle. This is why the UN Sustainable Development Goals are now an integrated part of our CSR strategy.

The story of a sustainable
responsible production

Responsible textile production is not about geography. In the 1980s, we started production in Bangladesh, among other places, and we have continually developed our collaboration with our partners there. The close dialogue and presence in Bangladesh have made it possible to implement high standards for quality, environment and working conditions.
In 2006 we went one step further and established an office in Dhaka, Bangladesh, so we could be present at our producers’ on a weekly basis. This gives us a detailed knowledge of the factories’ working conditions and quality level, and strengthens relationships with our partners.


We acknowledge our responsibility

We acknowledge our responsibility as a part of the textile industry – and this informs our focus on our social and environmental impact. Our more than 38 years of experience plays a significant role in how we work, both domestically and internationally.

Dhaka office – a close cooperation

Since 2006, we have had seven local employees in our office in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The office is a very important element in our daily communication and cooperation with our factories. We cooperate closely with our factories; a cooperation which in several cases has lasted more than 20 years. 

Our employees

All the office employees have in-depth knowledge and understanding of our products and quality requirements. As supply chain transparency requirements keep growing, it is important that we keep a close dialogue with our factories and suppliers.

Our 10 principles

1. Child labour

ID® will support the effective abolition of child labour.

2. Working hours and rest

ID® will comply with applicable national laws and industry standards regarding working hours, overtime, rest days and public holidays. 

3. Wage and employment conditions

ID® will support abolition of discrimination in relation to wage and employment conditions. 

4.  Human rights

ID® will support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights.

5. Discrimination

ID® will make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.

6. Forced labour

ID® will support the abolition of all forms of forced and compulsory labour. 

7. Anti-corruption

ID® will work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery

8. Working environment

ID® will ensure there is a safe and healthy working environment and prevent potential accidents and injury

9. Environmental impact

ID® will support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges and undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility.

10. Freedom of association 

ID® will uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining.




We are proud member of 
Better Cotton Initiative

Read more about our work with BCI

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Report on CSR, cf. Section 99 a" of the Danish Financial Statements Act. BCI cotton ID® Responsibility report 2023/2024. View here
