When photographers and videographers from Merrild Studios trade their cameras for running shoes, it’s not just about improving fitness. For the company’s employees, the running club has become a focal point where community and team spirit take centre stage – both on and off the job.
With matching running gear from GEYSER by ID®, complete with the club’s logo, members not only look professional but are also united through a stronger shared identity.
From an idea to a Club for everyone
It all started when one of Merrild Studios’ photographers, Jonas, began running. His initiative quickly inspired colleagues, and over time the interest grew – so much so that the running club now includes nearly the entire company.
“Jonas slowly got more people on board, and today MSRC is a permanent part of our company. It’s amazing to see how running can bring us together,” says Daniel Weinreich, Creative Producer at Merrild Studios.
Matching apparel – A shared identity
The employees in MSRC are a diverse group with different personalities, often reflected in their clothing choices – including running gear. That’s why the decision to adopt matching running apparel with the club’s logo has made a significant difference for the club.
“By getting matching gear with our logo, it really adds another dimension to our sense of community. Now we no longer look like ‘just’ a group of random runners. Now we look like a team,” Daniel explains.
The unified look has given the running club a stronger shared identity when running together.
An extra layer of community
Social activities have always been an important part of Merrild Studios. Everything from movie nights and cooking clubs to Friday bars is a natural part of the company culture. The running club has therefore become a natural extension of this social environment.
“The social aspect is incredibly important to us because it allows us to meet each other in a different way than during regular work hours. MSRC contributes positively to this, both as a physical and online community. When someone runs alone and shares it with the club, it often serves as a strong motivator for others to get out there too,” Daniel explains.
The running club has strengthened the sense of community not only when running together but also online, where members share motivation and encouragement – whether it’s during the week or the weekend.
Together for a stronger community
For Merrild Studios, MSRC is about more than just running – it’s about bridging the gap between work and leisure. The running club strengthens the sense of community, motivation, and belonging to something bigger.
With sportswear from GEYSER by ID®, MSRC has found a solution that unites differences and creates a shared identity, making them visible – both as runners and as colleagues.
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Report on CSR, cf. Section 99 a" of the Danish Financial Statements Act. ID® Responsibility report 2023/2024. View here